Thank you to everyone who has pledged to help fund the recording of a new Space Monkeys album. Two months down the line and 64% raised. When the target hits 75% we will share some new music with you all. Spread the love. ❤️
Pledge Music Update
It’s been a month today since we started this and already you have helped us raise over 60% of the target needed to record and release a brand new Space Monkeys album in 2018. We hope to have some new music to share with you very soon, thank you for all the support. Keep on tripping on.
New Space Monkeys Album!!!
We have teamed up with Pledge Music to raise funds to record and release a brand new album in 2018. We can only achieve this with help and support from you. All money raised will go towards making the very best album that we can. Please get on board in any way you feel you can. Every Like, Share or Pledge will help massively to make this happen.
Thank you.❤️Space Monkeys.
Last Tickets on Sale Now
Space Monkeys are looking forward to climbing the trees and breaking into the back windows of the Kendal Calling house party at the end of this month. Sunday 6pm so we are told by the neighbours. Who fancies gatecrashing it with us?…/posts/10154918859488761
Kendal Calling 2016
Space Monkeys play The House party at Kendal Calling on Sunday 31st July. Noel Gallagher headlines the main stage, Clint Boon closes the festival, MC Tunes & Dust Junkys bring the vibes. Join us somewhere in the middle of it all, blowing down the stylus. Dave Haslam, Blossoms, Howling Rhythm are also DJing at the House Party across the weekend after The Charlatans kick it all off on Thursday night. This is a top line up. Manchester takes the lakes by storm. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water....
Space Monkeys to play Shiiine On Weekender 2016
Space Monkeys to play Shiiine On Weekender on Sunday 13th November 2016 alongside Cast, Black Grape, Jesus Jones and loads of other top bands and DJ's across the weekend.
More information at
Discounted ticket link here...
Space Monkeys @ Gorilla, Manchester - May 2016
Space Monkeys only Manchester gig in 2016 at one of the city's coolest venues, Gorilla. Celebrating exactly 20 years from the release of debut single 'Keep On Tripping On' in May 1996. Where did all the time go?
14th May 2016 8pm Gorilla, Manchester
New Photos in Gallery
We've updated the site with a whole bunch of new photos from the past few months. Check 'em out here